Ing. Petr Krautwurm - FINNTRADING |
Assortment of Finntrading company includes a wide range of qualities and sizes for engineering, energy and food industry. The main material offer is consisted of stainless steel sheets in thickness from 0,4mm to 40,0mm and coils from 0,05mm to 3,0mm and also supplementary pipes. The company also provides atypical supplies both dimensional and quantitative, according to client’s requirements, in the shortest possible time. Matter of fact is the possibility of ensuring of the materials delivery to final customer from our warehouse in Prague – Uhrineves.
Kašperská 965
Praha 10
104 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 274 869 384
Mob.:+420 603 506 809
Fax: +420 274 868 737
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