The HYDROTECHNIK PRAHA spol. s r. o. especially specializes in compression forming, steel, concrete and plastic protective pipes, microtunnelling and trenchless netlaying, design and before disign activity. Mechanical outfits from renowned producers as ATLAS COPCO, DEMAG, STIHL, WHITTE, AMERICAN AUGERS or TRACTO TECHNIK is a guarantee of quality works to investors. The firm also deals with a sale with steel pipes and accessory. The firm rental office offers a building mechanization with an assortment of electrocentrals, compressors, sewage pumps, arc welders. Transportation is provided with tractors, lorries and autocranes. References and more information find at www.hydrotechnik.cz.
Půlkruhová 27
Praha 6
160 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 261 097 633
Mob.:+420 603 455 363
E-mail: info@hydrotechnik.cz
Internet: www.hydrotechnik.cz
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