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Basic informations

The firm GLANZ SERVIS s. r. o. offers a wide scale of FULL CLEANING WORKS including further close-knit services and SPECIAL CLEANING WORKS. We DESIGN AND PROCESS PROJECTS OF CLEANING WORKS for our clients. The part of full services are RECEPTION AND SECURITY SERVICE, ENSURING OF COMMON CLEANING WORKS in your object, REMOVAL WORKS AND FURTHER nonspecific ANCILLARY WORKS. There belongs: ANCILLARY WORKS - full periodic cleaning, carpet cleaning and upholstered furniture cleaning, washing of curtains and hangings and cleaning of vertical shutters. Window and glass sheet washing, additional cleaning works (in buildings, reconstructions), help of cleaning personnel. INDUSTRIAL FLOOR CLEANING - perfect machine sweep, by the help of effective chemical agents, any surface of floor covering and at the same time we are able these surfaces protect by protective means after this sweep - FLOOR COVERING PROTECTION, PROTECTIVE EMULSIONS. Further we ensure REMOVAL WORKS from furniture up to safes, we have all kinds of vans at disposal. OLD FURNITURE AND OTHER MATERIAL LIQUIDATION - liquidation of estate, cleaning of old garrets or cellars and so forth. We are able to clean it totally and industrial hoover after this removing. More informatin find at our web site

Address and contacts

Na Náhonu 1140/30

Ostrava 2

702 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 596 244 399

Mob.:+420 777 661 084

Fax: +420 596 244 399



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