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Basic informations

The main company activity is purchase, processing and sale of metal trash including non-ferrous metals, cabels, electric motors etc. Our dismount centre satisfy strick ecological conditions. We are able to manufacture practicly every metal trash including wreckages. For the ecological disposal of wreckages we draw confirmation for Traffic inspectorship. We offer dismounting of machines parts and machineries. Further we purchase metal trash caah down as well as invoice with minimal term of expiration. We sale new and used metallurgical material. The firm has ISO 14001, 9001 certificate

Address and contacts

Tachovské náměstí 90/2

Praha - Žižkov

130 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 382 523 349

Mob.:+420 777 271 535

Fax: +420 382 523 349



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