Fa Faliko Tábor |
The firm Faliko Tabor produces and supplies solid wooden floors from stiles (spring, groove) - material OAK, BEECH, ASH and MAPLE. It carries on repairs of old wooden floors or you can choose coffer squares - material OAK, BEECH, ASH, MAPLE, MAHOGANY and EBONY. It also produces and supplies soft-wood board floorings - sports (halls), wooden floating, laminate floating and cork floors and facings. We also use PVC. Building work: reconstruction, façades, complete buildings, facings and pavements. More information on our web site.
Budějovická 795
390 02
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 381 251 859
Mob.:+420 777 559 421
Fax: +420 381 251 860
E-mail: faliko@tabor.cz
Internet: www.faliko.cz
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