DOMONA spol. s r.o. |
We offer business devices OZAP SU5: sales racks, consoles and show cases, WANZL shopping carts and shopping baskets, and input equipment. Bazaar: sales racks, storage racks, pallet racks, cash boxes and shopping carts. Custom manufacturing of equipment for shops. OZAP racks are available in storage.
We extended our offer in the sphere of our own production in joinery and glazing premises. In contrast to large companies we are able to respond to the small orders and individually attend to each customer.
- consultancy
- process layout and projection
- design drawings
- cleaning and inventory of storages, transport, assembly
Business devices:
- rack system SU5
- frame rack system SU5
- sectional shop counters SU5
- glass show cases
- wooden racks
- metal construction racks
Further, in our assortment you can find additional technical devices, equipment of working premises, social background, handling technology and cooling and freezing devices.
We are looking forward to cooperation with you! More information you can find on our websites
Sl.Horníka 1021/16A
Praha 5 - Košíře
155 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 257 215 110
Fax: +420 257 212 382
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