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Basic informations

Our company was established in 1991 by foundation of Ctibůrek Company Lifts – at that time carrying business as individual. The company has gone through several stages of development up to present stage – limited company. It is purely Czech company and deals with activities in the sphere of lift technology. It offers complex services including designing, production of components, assembly and service of all types of lifting devices. We are specialized in compensation of previously installed lifts in residential buildings.
The company uses modern and energy saving technologies. Currently the company insists on the quality of used materials and components. In 2006 we founded the division of development and production of electric components for lifts. Presently we offer comprehensive portfolio of electronics for lifts of our own production. We provide superior warranty for electronic in duration of ten years. The company employs experienced staff with the special education in the fields. We dispose of appropriate background, our own manufacturing areas, storage stocks and fleet. We are also a long-time member of Czech Association for Lifting Technology and we have a certificate of quality management CSN EN ISO 9001:2001.
Currently we employ mostly 50 employees and manage about 950 lifts in areas of capital city Prague. Annually we supply and assembly more than 80 new lifts. Due to dynamic development of technologies in lifting industry we regularly train our employees, test a new techniques and materials in practise. We are focused on economy and ecology.

Address and contacts

Jalodvorská 831/15

Praha 4

142 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 241 724 600

Mob.:+420 774 001 122

Fax: +420 241 724 599



The category in which the company can be found

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Technické vybavení budov
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