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Basic informations

The Color Spectrum company belongs to a group of manufacturers of painter´s industrial mixtures. The production assortment of our company is determined for surface treatments in engineering applications, energetics, building industry, repair works, chemical and food industry etc. The most common products painted with the above mentioned colours: machine tools, agricultural and building machines, engineering machines, castings, pipelines, containers, tanks, cisterns, pallets, shelves and other structures, columns VVN, distribution boxes, means of transport of all kinds including Pullman cars, military techniques etc. We can modify steel, galvanized, aluminium and other coating systems according to producer´s recommendations. Further the company Color Spectrum offers services, servicing and consultancy in the area of surface treatment. More on websites.

Address and contacts

Anenská 1


695 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 518 321 017

Fax: +420 518 321 016



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