BTN Trade s.r.o. |
BTN Trade s.r.o.
Concrete plant Cernošice / OK BET / offers wide range of concrete – screeding, structural concrete, concrete filler, light, thermal insulating /liapor/, cement screed for floor, concrete produced according to different norms but also concrete made to measure. Is a concrete plant RTM 750S with clock computer controller by technologically optimalized power of 35m3. We provide transportation of concrete mixture any amount to customer, piling of concrete, possibility to lend vibrating technique, system casing, supply of armatures and also assembly of casing and concreting. We also provide concrete prefabricated element – complete programme of production of well and sewer padlock shaft rings, road curb, concrete tiles and gutter tiles. Our offer includes additional service to building realization as: delivery of sands/pargining, concrete, backfilling material, crushed aggregates, bagged cement, bars and concrete armature.
K.S.: concrete mixture, centring, cover boards, sand, aggregate, lime, cement, lend of boarding, vibration technique, assembly of boarding, concrete work, production of transpoconcrete, concrete mixture, mobile pump device, lock centring, canalization centring, well centring, road curbs, building material, sacked cement, centring, board, covering boards, vibration technique, cement, mobile pump devices, concrete work, aggregate, limes, concrete mixture, mobile pump devices, concrete, cement cover, floor cover, concrete filing, supply of armatures, armature, concrete prefabricated element, aggregates, moist mixtures
Jiráskova 846
252 28
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 251 640 384
Mob.:605 256 617
Fax: +420 251 642 118
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