BRKA, s.r.o. |
1. Sale and hiring of mechanizations for height works: Work platforms and assembly (cargo) goals ALP-LIFT, flat roof lift Böcker, travelling scaffolding and ladders KRAUSE , ALFIX , hiring of arm outboard platforms and diagonal roof goals PAUS , sale, service, revision, letting, staff traning. 2. Heating in halls – economic gas heaters. Gas infra-red radiators and air heaters FRACCARO: dark infra-red radiators PANRAD, light infra-red radiators SUNRAD, compact infra-red radiators GIRAD, radiant warmwater strips (panels) WATERSTREEP. Me provide designs, projections, assemblies, service and revision at 8 plants in the Czech Republic.
Nepasice 90
Třebechovice p/O
503 46
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 495 593 068
Mob.:+420 603 498 051
Fax: +420 495 593 068
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