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Basic informations

The company Ladislav Bříza – výtahy has been established 1991 carry business as personal entity. In 2003 become Limited Liability Company named Bříza Výtahy s.r.o. The company offers complete service in area of projection, installation and service of all types of lift devices which involves lift service, revision, modernization and reconstruction. The company’s employees are highly qualified in particular field for lift service and company is member of Czech association for lift technique. In a mean time company service more than 500 lift devices. Also because of switch to EU norms we have came up with regeneration programme for current lifts which are not according to these norms. Find more information on telephone numbers above or visit

Address and contacts

Mezi Vodami 19/1955

Praha 4 - Modřany

143 04

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 244 470 044

Mob.:+420 602 218 728

Fax: +420 244 470 415



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