BENO TRIODYNSERVIS spol. s r. o. |
Sale, production, servicing of welding technology for everyone. Invertor sources for welding with covered electrode using the methods TIG, TIG-LIFT ARC, TIG DC with HF,TIG AC/DC with HF, PLASMAS for cutting of all metal materials. Welding semi-automatic machines MIG-MAG, spot-welding machines. Sale of accessories, additional materials, spare parts. Guarantee and post-guarantee servicing. Servicing of home-made welding machines WTU, UTA, KS, ZU, WLSP, PP, UNI MEG and others... Technical consultancy.
Husitská 187/60
Praha 3
130 00
Česká republika
Tel.:+420 222 322 262
Mob.:+420 602 368 894
Fax: +420 224 810 778
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