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Basic informations

BARIZOL Company, Ltd. focuses on IMPLEMENTATION OF TERRACED ROOFS, GENERAL REPAIRS, COATING, HEAT CLADDING, INSULATION AND „GREEN ROOFS“. In the spheres of hydro-insulation and fire protection we cooperate with the system DERBIGUM by IMPERBEL Company, for which our company holds a certificate. It is a system which is worth to be investing in. FIRE RESISTANT PLASTOMER – ASPHALT HYDRO-INSULATION BELT. It is highly modified, UV-radiation resistant, service-free, smooth, two supporting pads. Can be used for: flat, clivus, vertical surfaces, walled, concrete surfaces and surfaces with cement screed, surfaces made of gas-silicate (pore-conctrete), HURDIS tiles surfaces (burnt), wooden and shingle surfaces, heat-insulating materials, old roof cladding. We provide a guarantee for both material and works for a period of 10 years. Delvita supermarket network belongs among projects that were implemented by our company. More information is available at

Address and contacts

Vysoký Újezd - Kozolupy 56

okr. Beroun

267 17

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 604 261 586

Mob.:+420 604 261 586



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