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Basic informations

Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. is engaged in development, construction, production, trade and engineering in the field of the rubber industry. They manufacture READY-MADE MEMBRANES for the production of tyres and TECHNICAL RUBBER.

Activities: ● Construction of tyres (development of design, construction of sheathing profiles, including internal structures, strength calculations and noise spectrum analyses) ● Construction and delivery of vulcanized forms (halved forms, segmented forms, container segmented forms) ● Delivery of complete Know-How ● Construction and manufacture of technological equipment (equipment for automatic blend sample selection) ● Sub-delivery of technological and testing equipment ● Technical assistance for customers, Consulting activity, Commercial activity ● Professional and expert opinions ● Production of rubber goods. The company holds an ISO 9001:2000 certificate.

The company is a member of the České hospodářské komory (Czech Chamber of Commerce) and cooperates with a series of professional companies and worksites in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Address and contacts

třída Tomáše Bati 385

Zlín 4

763 02

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 577 105 841

Fax: +420 577 105 841



Promotional materials

Přehled výrobků Přehled výrobků Download
Pogumování válců provádíme: - černou pryží (tvrdost 50 – 80 ShA) - světlou pryží, která nezanechává stopy, náhrada silikonu - měkkou mikroporézní pryží (tvrdost asi 10 ShA) - pěnovým elastomerem (tvrdost 18 ShA) s velmi vysokou životností Download
Naše firma pogumovává válce za tepla za tepla za tepla za tepla za tepla do průměru 400 mm a do délky 1500 mm. Vyrábíme utěsňovací duše pro utěsnění tubusu na balicím stroji. Download
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