5 neuesten Anforderungen
Poptáváme opracování dílu
Technický dozor stavebníka III.
Rekonstrukce JIP – TDS a KOO BOZP
Sdružená FVE
Dodávky svislých dopravních značek
5 neuesten Angebote
Nabídka - permanentní magnety - feritový blok - 19,8x15,2x6 (MA) mm
Vozy k demontáží
Nabídka filamentů pro 3D tiskárny -
Cementační prášky Durferrit
PC vytlačovací - čirá - 20 t.

SK 540E: managing drive-related tasks without external controller


nord_drivesystem_120For functionally complex and dynamic drive applications, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS announces a new model from its SK 500E line of control cabinet inverters. The new intelligent SK 540E inverter supports the convenient and free programming of drive-related functions according to IEC 61131. It has all the established features of the series but supports a wider range of drives than any of its sister models; in particular, it can control synchronous motors. It integrates a new universal encoder interface for energy recovery. SK 540E performs even sophisticated tasks without an external PLC, thus saving considerable costs. Pump drives, for instance, can be upgraded with monitoring functions and characteristic curve functions, enabling them to directly react to fluctuating flow rates. Thanks to its high-performance microprocessor, the new inverter model is also suitable for high-speed cutting processes in turning and milling. Just as the established models from the series, SK 540E provides the safety function Safe Torque Off as well as sensorless current vector control and an integrated brake chopper for regenerative operation, and it identifies the parameters of the connected motor automatically.




Illustration: The new SK 540E inverter from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS with onboard controller enables user to freely program drive-related functions


Company Background
A developer and manufacturer of drive technology, NORD Drivesystems employs some 2,800 people and is one of the world's leading suppliers of full-scale, comprehensive drive solutions. NORD's portfolio ranges from standard drives to customized solutions for demanding application requirements, e.g. based on energy-efficient or explosion-protected drives. Gross sales amounted to EUR 337 mn in the 2010 business year. Founded in 1965, the company has grown to include 35 subsidiaries around the world today. NORD has established an extensive distribution and service network to ensure minimal lead times and provide customer-oriented services wherever needed on short notice. NORD’s wide variety of gear types covers torques from 10 Nm to 200,000 Nm. The company also manufactures motors delivering outputs from .12 kW to 200 kW, and power electronics ranging from frequency inverters to servo controllers. NORD's inverter line-up features conventional models for installation in control cabinets as well as design types for fully integrated drive units in decentralized automation environments.

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide/Hamburg
Phone : +49(0) 45 32 / 401 - 360
Fax : +49(0) 45 32 / 401 - 254

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