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Rozšíření kamerového systému
Rekonstrukce MK
5 neuesten Angebote
PC vytlačovací - čirá - 20 t.
HDPE vstřikovací , MFI 5-7 40 t tříděno na jednotlivé barvy
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E-T-A SVS25 New Power Distribution System for DC 24V Applications





Protection and distribution of DC 24V control circuits in industrial automation, e.g. in power engineering. in mechanical and plant engineering, chemical industry and in power plants. Lead customer for the SVS25 is Kawasaki Gas Turbine Europe GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany. The power distribution system SVS25 extends the existing E-T-A product family of DC 24V distribution systems to operate up to 10 loads with a single circuit protector. This offers a significant reduction of wiring time and reduces the overall system costs.




Jedlová 395
Zruč - Senec
330 08
Česká republika

Tel.: +420 377 824 986, 377 824 978
Mob.: Hotline: +420 602 641 700
Fax: +420 377 825 002

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